Kursy masaży orientalnych
Akademia Spa Tomasz Tomasik

Kursy masaży liftingujących
Akademia Spa Tomasz Tomasik

Warsztaty pielęgnacji japońskiej
Akademia Spa Tomasz Tomasik
New training philosophy
Spa Academy is a new philosophy of training combined with advanced consulting. Experienced trainers with many years of practice and, above all, a high standard of training - these are our priorities! Spa Academy is a massage school full of passion. You can find a range of specialized massage courses. Knowledge, expertise, commitment and individual analysis of the participants' skills all to meet the expectations of the trainees.
At the Spa Academy, you will find experienced instructors who have worked for more than 10 years in prestigious hotel and wellness facilities, among others. Their knowledge and familiarity with massage techniques has allowed us to develop substantive training programs and massage courses. Feedback from hundreds of satisfied customers is a testament to our professionalism.
I invite you to cooperate
ON-LINE Courses
Please visit our platform or contact us!
+48 538 454 060 info@akademia-spa.pl
Reviews of our training courses
Versatility of activities and rich knowledge have been appreciated by previous clients.
Positive feedback proves that the time spent with us was used effectively. We invite you to read the references.
Basia Frackiewicz
I recommend the spa academy and the Japanese facial massage course! Great atmosphere, lots of new knowledge and practical skills. The course places great emphasis on the practical part, Tomek super conducts the class and answers every question comprehensively, also enriching the course with various marketing tricks. Pleasant atmosphere.
Basia Frackiewicz
Owner of Beata's Cabinet Wrocław
Marcin Kuszewski
I recommend the spa academy and the Japanese facial massage course! Great atmosphere, lots of new knowledge and practical skills. The course places great emphasis on the practical part, Tomek super conducts the class and answers every question comprehensively, also enriching the course with various marketing tricks. Pleasant atmosphere.
Marcin Kuszewski
Catherine Pavlovich
I participated in the training at the Spa Academy and I must say that the experience was sensational. I'm thrilled and fascinated to continue training in this direction. Tom is an extraordinary expert very thoroughly explains step by step has a wealth of knowledge. The atmosphere was incredibly friendly.
I recommend the Spa Academy to anyone who wants to expand their skills and deepen their knowledge.
Catherine Pavlovich
Marta Sasin
I attended the training at the Spa Academy and I must say that the experience was absolutely sensational! The class was taught by an exceptional expert who not only has a wealth of knowledge, but also knows how to convey it in an accessible and inspiring way. The atmosphere was incredibly friendly, which made each training session not only educational, but also very motivating. I recommend the Spa Academy to anyone who wants to expand their skills and deepen their knowledge in this field!"
Marta Sasin
Kamila Moson-Rajs
I highly recommend the Spa Academy and the trainers working there. I participated in the Kobido training conducted by Justina and I will say one thing, I want more! The girl knows what she is saying and doing, she can answer all the questions that bother you, and during the practical part she makes sure that the movements are done correctly. If you train, only with the best.
Ewa Dmowska
High-level training. If you want to aptly invest your time and money then you have come to the right place. Spa Academy is a place for professionals. I had the pleasure of participating in training sessions led by Tomasz Tomasik. A man who imparts knowledge with passion, and most of all he has it 😉.
I am very satisfied with the courses I have attended and can recommend this place with a clear conscience.
Warm greetings 😊
Ewa Dmowska
They work, among other things, in prestigious hotel and wellness facilities.

Justyna Młodawska
Holistyczne terapie dbające o zdrowie i młodość są moją pasją i tematem który nieustannie zgłębiam. Na co dzień prowadzę gabinet manualnych terapii odmladzajacych gdzie wykorzystuje m.in masaż tkanek głębokich, masaż powieziowy , transbukalny i inne metody które w naturalny sposób...
Tomasz Młodawski
Pasjonuje się masażami orientalnymi w szczególności masażami tajskimi ,które od kilkunastu lat wykorzystuje w swojej praktyce. Na przestrzeń lat w pracy zawodowej współpracowałem z wieloma renomowanymi hotelami tworząc autorskie masaże i rytuały. Od 2015 prowadzę własny gabinet masażu. Z Akademią...
Tomek Tomasik
Absolwent Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi (2007) magister fizjoterapii, specjalista masaży Spa, autor programów i technik masaży dla obiektów Spa, założyciel szkoły masażu Akademia Spa. Członek klubu „ Ludzie Masażu” .Autor publikacji dla magazynu Beauty Inspiration z zakresu Japońskich technik masażu...
Roksana Wrona
Prowadzący: mgr Roksana Wrona – absolwentka Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie. Pasjonatka szeroko pojetej “aktywnosci fizycznej”, ktora biomechanika ludzkiego ciala zaczela interesowac sie jeszcze przed studiami, a na studiach rozpoczela ksztalcenie wg koncepcji Anatomy Trains pod okiem Wojciecha Cackowskiego, uzyskujac tytul...
Rafał Uryzaj
założyciel Centrum Szkoleniowego Rafała Uryzaja Fizjoterapeuta i Osteopata. Absolwent Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Poznaniu na kierunku fizjoterapia oraz Akademii Osteopatii w Poznaniu. Założyciel Centrum Szkoleniowego Rafała Uryzaja oraz Rocznego Studium Terapii Tkanek Miękkich. Autor bestsellerowej książki “Anatomia Masażu Tkanem Głębokich”....
Weronika Barabasz
Magister fizjoterapii ze specjalizacją w sporcie. Absolwentka Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Poznaniu na kierunku fizjoterapia. W trakcie studiów odbyła dwa staże zagraniczne we Włoszech oraz w Portugalii. Czynnie brała udział w IX festiwalu nauki i kultury studenckiej AWF „Feniks 2017”...

Author's massage courses where tradition meets modernity
W Tomasik Spa Academy we harmoniously combine traditional massage techniques with modern teaching methods, offering a a unique approach to education In the area of manual therapy. Our massage courses are based on knowledge that has been passed down for generations, adapted to modern standards and expectations. We teach not only massage techniques, but also the philosophy and history of each method. We believe that Understanding the roots and meaning of each technique is important for its successful application.
Training in traditional massage techniques
Our offer massage courses includes many ancient methods that have been used for centuries in various cultures around the world.
Oriental massages, such as Ayurvedic therapeutic or Thai body massage, are deeply rooted in the health and philosophical traditions of the East. We teach how these traditional massage techniques can be applied to modern therapies, providing tools that allow you to A holistic approach to health and relaxation.
Our massage courses not only impart practical skills, but also delve into the spiritual and energetic aspects of traditional manual therapy methods, allowing participants to na more complete understanding of i better use of massage techniques in practice.
Modern teaching methods
Our proprietary massage training courses use the latest advances in education to ensure effective and efficient learning. The courses offered by SPA Tomasik Academy are. conducted by experienced trainers, who have more than 10 years of experience in practicing various types of massage techniques. Our participants can therefore have confidence that they are learning from the best professionals.
At Tomasik SPA Academy we focus on an individual approach To each student. We analyze the skills and needs of participants, aby tailor the training program to their skill level and expectations. We believe that this approach achieves optimal educational results.
Our teaching methods include interactive online sessions, hands-on practice sessions and feedback meetings, which allow you to immediately apply the acquired knowledge in practice. During our massage training courses, we comprehensively prepare our trainees to independent work immediately after completing the course.
Philosophy and history of massage
Education at the Spa Academy is not only about learning massage techniques, but also about exploring the philosophy and history of each of the methods taught. Our massage courses include an introduction to the historical context and philosophical underpinnings of various techniques. Learning about these aspects helps trainees understand, why and how massage works, which increases their competence and professionalism in practice.
For example, Thai massage training not only teaches techniques, but also introduces the philosophy of health and energy balance that is the foundation of this method. Similarly, ayurvedic massage training includes learning about the doshas and principles of the Ayurvedic lifestyle, allowing for a holistic approach to therapy. These courses emphasize the importance of harmony of body and mind, showing Massage as the art of taking care of the total balance of the body.
Why choose to attend our massage training courses?
Our massage school distinguishes itself from others primarily by the combination of tradition and modernity. We focus on the quality of the massage courses offered, not the quantity. Each course is carefully designed to provide maximum amount of practical knowledge and skills. Our trainers are experts with years of experience who are passionate about sharing their knowledge. Students have the opportunity to learn from the best and acquire skills that are valued around the world.
We provide massage training not only in many Polish citiesbut all over the world, including in the US, Canada, Germany and Italy. The broad scope of our training allows us to offer quality education tailored to the individual needs of participants from different regions.
After completing one of our massage courses, participants receive a certificate confirming the acquired skills, which is an important part of building their careers. This certificate Is recognized by industry associations and can open the door to many prestigious career opportunities.
A unique massage course under the watchful eye of specialists
Tomasik SPA Academy is a place where tradition meets modernity, and the massage course becomes a unique learning experience. Our massage training combines Unique massage techniques with modern teaching methods, which allows you to fully understand and effectively apply the skills learned.
If you are looking for a place that offers not only knowledge, but also a deep understanding of the philosophy and history of massage therapy, the Tomasik Spa Academy will be the the perfect place to expand your competence and acquire new skillsi.
Don't wait, join the ranks of satisfied students and start your adventure with professional massage -. book your place on our course today!